Sunday, March 2, 2014

Family Math and Science Fun!

Backyard Habitats for Grade 2 and 3!
Wednesday March 5ht: 6:00-8:00 PM

Calling all 2nd and 3rd Graders!! Come with a parent or special adult to explore the creatures you might find right in your own backyard. Hands - on learning and investigating about the world around us.  Build a terrarium of your own and take it home!

Please bring a 2-L bottle rinsed, no soap, into school Monday or Tuesday so we can prepare them for you to build your terrrium and take it home that evening.  Please send in your RSVP as soon as possible so that we may prepare for the event on Wednesday night! 


  1. Thank you! Can you share the RSVP information?

  2. Just call into the office to RSVP
